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Accident Insurance law as Driving test

Insurance for the driving test

The Secretary General approved insurance and driving tests. Specifically, his letter was addressed to the Ministry of Transport, Citizen Protection, Police, and Country Region Ministry regarding the newly introduced regulation. In the first twelve months of the entry of law into force under Section 10 of the Act, insurance will provide the following coverage:

1) Wounded by a third traffic accident will be taken by vehicle law

2) Will be brought under the Student Drivers Education Vehicle

3) As a force special liability insurance from circulation trainer Vehicle Trainer's Driver's examination under the terms of such conditions can be covered by the contractor's own loss or the insurance provider's own loss.

It has also been determined that in this case, the insurance cover is provided in accordance with the terms and conditions under which the liability insurance from the speed of the training vehicle According to the agreement on behalf of the parties, the same damage to the training vehicles can be added to cover the loss of trained income to repair his car for a period of one month.

All the above insurance cover risks will be provided by the insurance company on the basis of evaluation and related prices.

If any person does not crash and does not harm each other, then the first step is to take pictures before driving in an accidental vehicle and it will identify their traffic numbers.

Then, if possible the vehicles stopped until they obstructed the movement and cut pieces into pieces that crossed the road. There is a possibility of a "friendly statement" if the person recognizes it incorrectly.

Regarding the control of the two parties, if both the driving license and data exchange registrations and the inspection of each vehicle, their identity proof, and the security form provided to the person responsible for the in-house accident will be responsible in writing, as will the place of the accident.

Then inform motorists and participants to further intervene. If there is a debate over fault, then call the police and record the state of the accident for getting garments.

 If going from one place to another to the accident site, usually they are accused, leave the traffic number beforehand, whether the investigation is witness to the accident there, so try to keep their details for future communications and or try to inform the police.

About accident insurance law for driver in USA

Accident insurance laws for drivers in the USA can vary significantly from state to state, as insurance regulation is primarily handled at the state level. However, there are some common features and principles that generally apply across the country.


1. Mandatory Insurance Requirements: Most states require drivers to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance coverage to legally operate a vehicle on public roads. This coverage is designed to compensate others for injuries or property damage that the insured driver causes in an accident. The minimum coverage limits vary by state but typically include bodily injury liability and property damage liability.

2. No-Fault Insurance: Some states have adopted a "no-fault" insurance system, which means that drivers must carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage as part of their auto insurance policy. Under a no-fault system, each driver's insurance company pays for their medical expenses and other financial losses regardless of who was at fault in the accident. No-fault systems are intended to streamline the claims process and reduce the burden on the court system.


3. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Many states also require drivers to carry uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage, which protects insured drivers in the event they are involved in an accident with a driver who either doesn't have insurance or doesn't have enough insurance to cover the damages. UM/UIM coverage helps ensure that injured parties can still receive compensation even if the at-fault driver is unable to pay.


4. Optional Coverage: In addition to the mandatory coverages, drivers can usually purchase optional insurance coverage to provide additional protection. This may include collision coverage, which pays for damage to the insured driver's vehicle regardless of fault, and comprehensive coverage, which covers damage to the insured vehicle caused by non-accident events such as theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.


5. Tort System: Some states operate under a traditional tort system for handling auto insurance claims. Under this system, the party at fault in an accident is responsible for compensating the other parties for their losses. This can lead to lawsuits to determine fault and allocate damages.

6. Regulation and Oversight: Insurance companies are regulated by state insurance departments, which oversee the industry to ensure compliance with state laws and regulations. These departments may establish guidelines for insurance rates, policy provisions, claims handling procedures, and other aspects of insurance coverage.


7. Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failure to comply with state insurance requirements can result in penalties such as fines, license suspension, or even criminal charges in extreme cases. Additionally, uninsured drivers may be personally liable for any damages they cause in an accident and may have to pay out of pocket for medical bills, vehicle repairs, and other expenses.


Overall, accident insurance laws for drivers in the USA are intended to ensure that individuals have access to financial protection in the event of a car accident and to promote safety on the roads. It's important for drivers to understand their state's insurance requirements and to maintain adequate coverage to protect themselves and others on the road.

 In case of injury

Our first step is to call the ambulance if anyone looks serious. You should know that a severely interfere with our intervention, and if we have pure motivation to help him, if we do not have the necessary knowledge, there can be an irreversible evidence for the wounded person's health, even in the future, through the provision of legal punishment.

Therefore, we need to help seriously if we have the necessary knowledge, training, and experience. In this case, we refrain from removing the wounded person because his movement can make his condition worse. We examined whether the injured person breathed in front of his fingers and his face under his nose.


